Entry-Level Resources for Information Security

I originally made this spreadsheet for a friend that was thinking about getting into cybersecurity. I wanted to make a thorough guide for him that gave him plenty of resources to use to start learning and growing his career. After creating this I decided to keep adding to it and share it so that others who are looking at getting into the field might be able to learn from it as well. I hope everyone who looks at this may find some resource to help them learn and grow as well.

To see the comments I've made on most of the resources, download the spreadsheet via the link below. In the comments I explain a little about each resource and why it is a good resource to utilize. For some reason embedded Google sheets do not show comments which is why I added the option to download the spreadsheet below.

If you're just getting started in information security, ask questions! Find people already in the field (hint: go check out the "groups" section on the spreadsheet) and ask them questions, find out how they got to where they are today. There is no one "golden path" to cyber security, everyone's path is unique and different people learn differently. Find the resources you like and stick with them, keep learning and putting what you learn into practice because it takes dedication and repetition. I may be fairly new to cyber security myself but I'm always happy to chat and help out however I can, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a message: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zach-goebel/

Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTO8j1-0jPWa33xNrHlv9DMBrBZGgK9x0dl1qDjzsebBbc8rZr9NLNodlbhTPVmQmTon1cMwgRiCq6Q/pub?output=xlsx

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